#LoveAThon Mini-Challenge 2: Mix & Match

For the second challenge of Love-A-Thon 2017 Mel, Kristin, Alexa and Cee are challenging us to come up with a combination of books and our other hobbies. I am having a hard time figuring out what I want to do for this challenge.

My hobbies are writing, photography, watching tv-shows and movies. So I have no idea how to combine those.

To combine my love for writing with books is easy. Since September 2016 I have been working on my own novel and I hope to finish my first draft in April. It is about a society where robots are supposed to have the same status as the lowest layer of people, but something changes and they turn on the humans. I am very curious what people think about my own writing. I have also been working on a fairytale for a contest of the local amusement park, it is nearly finished!

I could take some cool pictures of books or of my shelves. But the big picture on the left of my website (or at the top if you view it on mobile) I made of my old shelves. I still really like it.

I also like taking pictures that mean something to me when it comes to books, like this one.

But doing something with books and tv-shows/movies I don’t really see how I can combine this. Let alone figure something about about them all and books.

And now that I think about it, I have actually combined at least two of my hobbies with books. And I think this qualifies for this challenge!

I hope you liked my ramble!

For now, let books enrich your life!

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